Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Evaluating smut, by the numbers.

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

Violet Blue writes, WFMU's Beware of the Blog has a post up titled "Christian/Family Values-Oriented Movie Review Database Restores My Faith In Snobbish Film Criticism," which links to this "mathematical" biblical rating system of mainstream films -- wait, I know you're already laughing too hard to see your monitor: Link. Read the review of ...

BoingBoingBoing podcast with this week’s guest, Violet Blue

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

Over the weekend, we recorded the second installment of our new weekly Boing Boing podcast, "Boing Boing Boing." Each week, the Boingers and a guest talk about the week's Boing Boing stories and new projects coming up -- a kind of Best of Boing Boing, in audio form. In this edition, ...

Videoblogger Josh Wolf released on bail from Bay Area jail

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

Videoblogger and freelance journalist Josh Wolf was granted bail by a federal appeals court today. He's been in jail since August 1 for refusing to comply with government demands that he hand over video he shot at a political protest in San ...

Meet the SF Chron’s new sex columnist: blogger Violet Blue

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

Violet Blue says: It's official. I'm now the sex columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. Not just 'plucked' from the blogosphere to freelance for a 141-year-old mainstream media institution; Phil Bronstein hand-selected me to be their frontline sex writer, with a column and everything ...

XXX-XBOX: teledildonics mod with live video chat

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Violet Blue says, It seems I finally have a reason to start gaming again: new Xbox teledildonics. Kotaku tells us that the Xbox 360 now has cameras with video chat, and while chatting there is a command to make your chat-partner's controller vibrate. ...

New TSA restrictions and sex toys: whither the lube?

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

The new "no liquids or gels" restrictions mean you can't tote your KY jelly on-board (heavens to Murgatroid, whatever shall we do?), and you may want to think carefully about where you pack that vegan Hello Kitty bluetooth butt plug: As far as packing non-vibrating sex toys and devices in carry ...

SRL in San Jose Aug. 11, and 1978 photo of first SRL machine

Monday, July 10th, 2006

Survival Research Laboratories will herd their sputtering flock of lethal robots to a tech-art festival in San Jose on August 11. When first posted on BoingBoing, the host organization's ticket website wasn't working as well as the SRL machines do, so some folks got error messages. All's well now. Here's ...

Survival Research Laboratories (SRL) in San Jose Aug 11

Wednesday, June 28th, 2006

Mark your calendars and grab your gas masks: the world's longest-running lethal robot posse will perform maul, gnash, and pulverize its way through San Jose, CA on August 11, 2006. Details and a terrific video of a visit to SRL's San Francisco lab are here from Bre Pettis at the ...

Alan Moore’s erotic “Lost Girls” and Peter Pan copyright woes

Tuesday, June 27th, 2006

Violet Blue has posted some sneak previews of an amazing new work by graphic novel master Alan Moore (previous works: Watchmen, From Hell, V for Vendetta, and the first two sets of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Killing Joke, and Brought to ...

She’s in polyester, and she’s packin’.

Tuesday, June 27th, 2006

After last week's jeans with built-in gun holsters post, I ended up poking around for more stealth firearm fashion websites. A friend pointed me to Washington state resident Kathy Jackson, a mom and former "Women and Guns" contributing editor whose extensive personal website promotes personal firearm safety -- and everyday ...